Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Maulers answer to the "How you like me now" tour

Raud has dusted off the vinyl and has attempted to make Kool Moe Dee relevant again by parading him around on this sucker "How you like me now" tour... well the Maulers have pulled LL Cool J back into this classic rap battle and he will represent the Maulers this week.

For those of you who don't know. Kool Moe Dee and LL Cool J waged a classic rap rivalry in the late 1980's into the 1990's with LL Cool J clearly winning with overall record sales and relevance that stretches even into today. It is fitting that Kool Moe Dee would represent Raud, because he represents a past that nobody longer cares for.

LL Cool J was quoted as saying he "loves to get another opportunity to lay the smack down on Kool Moe Dee and anyone affiliated with him. It will be fun to see Kool Moe Dee go back into that hole Raud found him in"

Stay tuned all this week for live updates from Imperial as this rivalry heats up.

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